Monday 9 May 2011

Egg Pakory


6 Eggs (hard boiled)
1 cup Gram Flour (Besan)
2 tsp. Red Chilli Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch) (or to taste)
A pinch of Asafoetida (Heeng)
1 tsp. Cumin Seeds (Saabut Sufaid Zeera)
Salt (to taste)
¼ cup Water
Cooking Oil (for deep frying)


Remove shells from eggs and make a small slit in each of them. (To prevent the oil from splurting when the egg is deep fried.)

Make a thick batter out of the water, flour, red chilli powder, cumin seeds, asafoetida and salt. Coat each egg with this batter and deep fry. Keep pan covered while eggs are frying.


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