Wednesday 11 May 2011

Cakes made with fruit

Cakes made with fruit

Take 2 cups of Maida,
2 cups of granulated Sugar, 
1&1/2 cups of unsalted butter,
7 eggs,
1 tsp. Baking power,
1 tsp. Vanila essence, 
1 cup chopped nuts,
6-8 Cardamoms, 6-8 Cloves (optinal), 
1/4th cup Orange juice, 
1/2 tsp. of orange zest, 
1 pinch salt.

Start oven on 350 degrees, Sieve Maida with salt and baking power, add nuts in it, add ground cardamoms, cloves and orange zest and mix well, set aside.

In standing mixer, beat sugar and butter until sugar dissolves and it becomes very light and fluffy.

Separate egg yolks from whites and make sure that there should be no part of yolk may be in it, add egg yolks one by one in creamed sugar and butter, beat well, when all the egg yolks are mixed with it, fold in flour mixture carefully. (flour should be added slowly and mixed with light hands.)
Beat the egg whites separately until it has formed soft peaks. Mix with the above batter. Add orange juice and mix well. Pour into a greased 9" x 12" baking dish. Bake for 1 hr - 1:15 hr. Or until stick comes out clean.

Let it cool for 5 minutes then remove from pan.


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