Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Baingan Buryani

Round brinjals(baingan) 6 pcs
SaltClick to find more about Salt to taste
Red chillies to taste
Green chillies 3 pcs
Fried zeeraClick to find more about zeera 1/2 tsp
Yougart prime or haleeb one box
Oil for frying 

Cut the baingan into thin round slices.
Rub them with saltClick to find more about salt and red chillies on both sides.
Fry them in very little oil untill soft.
Beat the dahiClick to find more about dahi with extra saltClick to find more about salt,red chillies,zeeraClick to find more about zeera,thickly sliced green chillies.
When beated properly add the baingan slices.
Decorate with podinaClick to find more about podina and tomatoes.
Serve chilled. 


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